Self-Care For Eldercare – Some Small Steps For Self-Care

Self-Care For Eldercare - Some Small Steps For Self-Care

Patti Pilat Buono

Small self-care For Eldercare Givers pays big dividends

self-care for eldercare

“Self-care” is such a buzzword right now I hesitate to even use it. I don’t want to minimize or cheapen the value of doing things for your own mental and physical health by using a cliche. But it’s totally true—you must practice self-care on a daily basis or you will burn out. The Job is an exhausting, soul-sucking, non-stop drain on your resources, and if you don’t “refill your cup” on a regular basis, you can’t do an efficient job. I need to be at my best at all times for Mom, so it stands to reason I need to be at my best. Always. Self-care for eldercare givers is immensely important.

There are so many small things I do regularly that assist in keeping my attitude positive, my happy smile, and my mental balance that I want to share with you. Do I recommend a week-long cruise? Always. Is that possible tomorrow? Not likely. 

So let’s talk about what you can do today, tomorrow, next week, to help you maintain your strength and balance through the rigors of The Job

From the grocery store

My kids will tell you that one way I show love is through finance.

It’s totally true and I don’t deny it. BUT, we are Italian, so we also show love through food. As a family, we had dinner together every night, and we tried to cook things that everyone would enjoy and that were healthy. We weren’t short-order cooks, and we rarely ate out—we were strictly family-style eaters.

We showed love through food. That still works for me.

words of affirmation for eldercare, top 10 eldercare tips

Now, I show love to myself at the grocery store. Yesterday that meant buying extra of these prepared salad packs that I love (mmmm….Asian Sesame…mmmmmm) that are a touch more expensive. I now buy different types of apples instead of just the cheapest bag. I got a prepared roast chicken last week instead of doing the prep work myself. And, of course, I got myself an apple fritter at the bakery.

Are these life-changing, deep-thinking, earth shattering acts? Heck, no!!

It was simply thinking of myself, and what types of foods would make me smile when I found them in the kitchen. It didn’t cost me much more to make these small decisions for my eating plan this week, but I guarantee to you that I will be happier munching on that honey crisp apple this week because I considered my own needs for that very small decision. It’s the simple acts of self-care that make eldercare much easier.

Buy the tropical fruits—they’ll taste great when Crazytown is railing in the next room.

From the big box store

self-care for eldercare

I stopped at Walmart the other day for exactly one thing. Taking time to do that is definitely a small extravagance for me—I usually wait until there is a full list of things to get. That is both because I’m not a huge fan of the big box stores, and also because getting out for errands requires some advance planning, so I try to make it worth my effort.

I bought sunscreen.

How is this self-care? Easy. It’s for an upcoming vacation. Nothing, and I mean nothing, screams self-care to me like getting out of town on a trip with Sweet Husband. So driving to Walmart—I was smiling. In the aisles—I was smiling.  Paying way too much for the generic brand—still smiling! It was only a half hour, but during that time, I was transported to my upcoming weekend, thinking about it, planning for it, dreaming of it. 

That’s self-care for the eldercare giver at its best!

From the specialty store

My thing is candles. I’ve got one burning right now. It’s from the Magic Candle Company ( and was a gift from my oldest kid. This company specializes in candles that recreate the unique and exquisite scents of a Disney theme park, and they are AWESOME! I’m smelling “Poison Apple” while I type this, and it makes me so happy!!!

self-care for eldercare

It’s a very little-known fact that I always burn a candle while I am working on my passion projects. If you watch my videos, you might catch a glimpse of one of my candles on the table. It’s just my thing. It makes me smile. That’s what self-care means to me—different reasons to smile.

Feed Your Indulgence as Self-Care for Eldercare

What’s your little indulgence? Everyone has them. Said child who keeps me in candles is a coffee person—that is the weekend indulgence that gives that kid a sweet smile. Sweet Husband is, as I write this, eating El Taco in San Pedro, California with our youngest kid. I’d post the link for them, but they are so small they don’t even have a website!!!  A wet burrito from there cures anything that’s bothering Sweet Husband!

Look around your private space, and you will find what your secret indulgence might be. Then let yourself enjoy it! 

From the closet

Sweet Husband and I both find small measures of self-care in our closets, which might sound a little odd, but I highly recommend you try it! Go through your closet when you have an hour, and do a couple of things.

Find A Few Things To Donate

It gives me great pleasure to recycle my clothes for the use of someone who might need them. Particularly my work clothes—those are in very good shape, and can certainly help another woman who is just getting back on her feet.

Find A Favorite Dressy Outfit

Put it on. Remember the event you purchased it for with fondness, and try to envision wearing it again in the future. Will it be a cruise? A wedding? A romantic night out? If nothing else—be thrilled that it still fits!!! That will absolutely make you smile. Self-care for eldercare providers can come in the form of memories!

Find Something You Forgot About

It happens every time I go through my closet carefully. One time it was a pair of white sandals. Last time it was a really cute work blouse that I had forgotten I bought. Finding something that you had forgotten in your closet is even better than going shopping, because the money is already spent and you don’t need to try it on!

self-care for eldercare

Remember that concert? This is a Sweet Husband thing, since he finds t-shirts that remind him of events and concerts from months and even years past. For me, I find race shirts from RunDisney events, or logo shirts from different school activities and competitions. Either way, it brings up very fond memories.

Look for those comfy clothes!!! End on this one, because this is usually what ends it for me! I will find something super comfortable that I had forgotten, or thought got eaten by the washing machine. Then, I put it on immediately, and the Spring Cleaning comes to an end. Nothing is better for self-care than hanging out in your comfiest outfit after finishing a household chore.

As long as you don’t forget about your self-care, my eldercare readers, you’ll thank yourself.

From the library

We are library people, and encourage you to visit your local library while they are still around, and free!

My self-care routines absolutely include reading several different types of things. I love a good celebrity magazine to catch up on some gossip. I also read financial magazines I don’t subscribe to for some investing tips. I’ve told people this, and they didn’t even realize the library stocks current magazines and newspapers! 

As for books, the library is definitely where it’s at for the budget-minded caregiver. Not only for borrowing, but for buying! Our library has a “store” outside the entrance where every book is a dollar and paperbacks are a quarter. That is where I get books for vacations, or to try a new author. When I’m done with them, I will purposely leave them in public for someone else to find and enjoy. 

Lastly, never underestimate the self-care of simply relaxing in a comfy chair in the calm, quiet library to calm and quiet the million thoughts going through your head. It’s just a lovely and peaceful environment for anyone. 

From the park

We live in suburban Las Vegas, and have an absolutely amazing park system. We have walking paths in basins, water parks every few miles for kids, dog parks to visit, and we are less than an hour from a mountain and national parks. It’s wonderful, and it’s all free. What I do is figure out how long I can be away from the house, and choose my adventure based on that timeline. 

I guarantee where you live has parks and trails and free open spaces you can visit. So whether you have an hour or all day, you can find somewhere to bring that library book, pack a nice lunch, and relax in nature. In my experience, self-care in the wide open spaces is always just a little bit more satisfying than inside a building. 

Self-Care for YOUR eldercare:
It only works for you

Here is the “write your own ending” part of today’s blog. Your journey with The Job is very different from anyone else’s, and so is how you care for your own physical and mental health. Hopefully I gave you one or two suggestions for taking little bits of time for yourself. But nothing I can tell you is as powerful or valuable as those little indulgences that speak directly to you.

So, please, tell me: How do you take care of yourself?


Hey, since you’re here! You may as well check out some other tips, like these quick ones, here, or eldercare finances, here! Or, check out our other topics here! Either way, I appreciate you!

Please leave a COMMENT about any tips you may have!! Or comment with YOUR story! What are your next steps in eldercare? Let me know!

Please, feel free to contact me or leave a COMMENT with anything you would like to hear more about! Or reach out with any unrelated questions, comments, concerns, or random outbursts of excitement by clicking here.

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