Win CTSO Performance Events – What You Need To Know

Win CTSO Performance Events - What You Need To Know

Patti Pilat Buono

How to win CTSO performance events

So, you want your students to win the CTSO performance events?

ctso test prep

Well, we talked about success strategies for the online objective testing events in clubs. Those events are perfect for students who have the basic knowledge of the subject and are willing to do the hard work of researching and memorizing vocabulary on that subject. I’ve had plenty of those students, and they have been wildly successful in those events.

For example: I had an international FBLA winner last year in one of the objective testing events. He was a real go-getter, and committed himself fully to the process of preparing and executing an objective test. To be honest, I encouraged him to do a different event. Fortunately, he held on to his convictions, and completely proved to me—and the world—that he was a master in his event. This cautionary tale is why I encourage you to support and recommend—but not require—students to do the event you think is their best one. 

What events are CTSO Performance Events?

All of the CTSOs have events with a performance element to them.

In some events, students prepare a full-blown, practiced, and rehearsed presentation with props. Other performance events, students are given a scenario that they need to evaluate and present their ideas to the judges almost immediately. In yet a different kind of performance event, students are interviewing for an actual position. 

win ctso performance events

You can see there are many ways to win CTSO performance events, and it is extremely important that students know all of the requirements for participation in their chosen event.

Job Interview, for example, requires a pre-judged submission of a resume, and Small Business Management Plan requires a pre-judged submission of a full twenty-page document. On the other hand, Impromptu speaking has no advanced submissions, requiring students to create and present an extemporaneous 3-minute speech only 7 minutes of preparation on a topic. 

Why these are CTSO Performance Events the BEST events?

I’m partial to performance events. Despite my degrees and being a NBCT (National Board Certified Teacher), I have never been confident with objective tests. I tend to second-guess myself and stumble away from the right answer. And, yes, I know my own bias has definitely rubbed off onto my students through the decades. I’m a stronger trainer and coach for the performance events because I enjoy them so much more.

So, I think they are the best, and I can defend this belief: They simulate real life workplace scenarios. Aside from several key moments in my professional training, I have ALWAYS been judged based upon my performance, not my specific knowledge base. I’ve never been interviewed with an objective test, dealt with clients or customers through a true/false scenario, or sat for an hour silently tapping a keyboard while meeting with business professionals. Life isn’t really an objective kind of thing—it is performance-based.

That is why participating in these events is so important for today’s youth. The earlier we can diffuse their fear of public speaking and fear of performing in front of people, the more successful they will be in the world of work. I literally tell my students that life is nothing but an interview. Whether it is trying to get a job, a college interview, meeting your lover’s parents for the first time, convincing a client to purchase your product, or negotiating to buy a new car—life is a performance event. 

So, if you really want to prepare your students for real life, put them in a performance event.

Win CTSO Performance Events: Starting to train

It Starts Earlier Than You Think

Sweet Husband teaches kindergarten, and he is usually the first CTSO trainer kids meet. From the very first day, when he greets them at the door and asks their name, he is training them to introduce themselves. From that day on, every day is an opportunity to train for performance events and the workplace. 

win ctso performance events

Jumping forward to middle and high school, we begin training students at the door. Literally requiring eye contact and a proper greeting is an invaluable learned skill that we need to reinforce daily. On the first day of class, in every class, every year, I require students to stand up and introduce themselves with their name and two facts about themselves they are willing to share. That is their first glimpse into how my classroom is run, and the fact that they can stand before the room and not faint. 

Start Of OFFICIAL Training

Looking at this from a CTSO perspective, you need to start in the fall in exactly the same way.

At every meeting, we have officers greeting professionally at the door, and they speak briefly with everyone walking in. In normal times, we reinforce handshaking, but lately, considering recent events, we are focusing on eye contact, facial and body expressions, and voice confidence. We have entire meetings about introducing yourself, and how to carry on a professional conversation. 

re-engage your members

Eye contact and fidgeting behaviors are about the hardest things we need to train, because students come to us with such bad habits already. We start with brief, 15-second introduction-type activities, to break down the insecurities students feel about being in front of a group. Then, we work slowly up to presentations and interactive activities that last three minutes, which is the minimum length of CTSO performance events.

In the beginning, we keep the presentations to unimportant, non-researched topics, to help build confidence. We do that through a 30-second elevator speech. After they have mastered speaking for that period of time, we start to introduce topics that require research, and partner presentations.    

Win CTSO Performance Events: Frequency of training

You can’t train enough. However, not everything needs to look like formal training!

win ctso performance events

When we greet at the door and engage in a brief conversation, that doesn’t “feel like” training to the students, but it is important training. Keeping things light and casual—particularly in the beginning and with the younger competitors—is extremely important to build confidence. We have found that every student can successfully do an unannounced elevator speech at a meeting. When we advertise it in advance, however, half of our members will skip the meeting entirely, because the fear of it is much too strong.  

So you should be training for performance events every single meeting. Frankly, I’m in a constant state of training in all of my classes, as well. Every time students do partner discussions, answer questions, or participate in a group activity, it is actually competitive event training. 

They just don’t need to know that!

Win CTSO Performance Events: Event-specific training

You are going to have that student who wants to practice non-stop. You’re also going to have that student who is terrified to practice at all. You need to make sure everyone is prepared and confident by the competition. This is when and where long meetings and community partners come in.

August – December:

This is your generic training period. During this time, you are doing some public speaking and presenting at every meeting. Take different topics from different events, do some current events, do some school-specific topics. This is when things are much more casual and relaxed, and you’re starting with a 10-second introduction and working up to a 3 minute Public Speaking event. 

January – CTSO Conference:

Time to get serious about whatever events your students are participating in!

Your first mission is to find/buy/create accurate practice materials for their events. The CTSO sites usually have some sample tests, and a deep Google search will help you come up with some things. During this time period, club meetings get longer and considerably more focused. We will do a general membership meeting for the first 15-30 minutes, then dismiss non-competitors and keep a group later to do practice. We rotate which events we practice, and invite anyone who wants to practice to stay.

For additional “judge” support, we invite other teachers from our building, community partners, and even alumni to come in and work with our competitors. The more varying groups of people they perform for, the better they will become. 

The weeks before competition

Mandatory training sessions. No way around it. Make it happen.

win ctso performance events

We have students come in at different times to practice different events. This is when we have them come in professional dress, so we can make sure they meet the criteria for the organization, and don’t wear stilettos they can’t walk in! (This also opens the door for students who may need a “Buono Scholarship.” See what I mean here.) This is where we become SIGNIFICANTLY more rigid and specific in our advice, and hold them to the highest possible standard. This is when they repeat their speech over and over until it’s memorized and perfect. 

By this time, they are over their fear of public speaking, and have built considerable confidence through practice and determination. They are ready. Now just put them on the bus!!!

A little gift for you

So, by making it to the bottom of my blog, I try to give you a little nugget as a thank you. I’m giving you a big one today—one that has secured the first place slot for my competitors for years. 

And it is simple. 



I have students memorize famous quotes on a variety of subjects. Short ones from Disney or Gates or JFK. Absolutely nothing is more impressive in a performance event than a young person pulling out a relevant quote for the subject, and inserting it into their narrative. It has never once failed to impress judges, and has led to successes in many different events.

There you go—enjoy!


Hey, since you’re here! You may as well check out some other ways to win CTSO performance or testing events, here! Check out our other topics here! Either way, I appreciate you!

Please leave a COMMENT about any tips you may have!! Or comment what your favorite tip of mine was! How do YOU prep for those objective tests? Let me know.

Feel free to contact me or leave a COMMENT with anything you would like to hear more about! Or reach out with any unrelated questions, comments, concerns, or random outbursts of excitement by clicking here.

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