The Best Beach Toys! – My Favorites

The Best Beach Toys! - My Favorites

Patti Pilat Buono

So You’re Heading To The Beach!

Good for you! I just got back from a little beachie weekend, and RobberBaron is heading to California this weekend for a few days of sun and surf! I highly recommend a day or a week on a beach to forget all your troubles and enjoy some low-tech entertainment.

When In Doubt…Bring It!

There isn’t a convenience store on the beach, so you’d better make sure you have anything and everything you need for a nice, long stay! I never want to leave the beach because I forgot something, so make sure you have the proper equipment and attitude

Get A Good Beach Bag

I’ve got several large bags with shoulder straps that we use for beach trips, and I recommend you get some for yourself. I was very frustrated in Hawaii recently when the shoulder strap on a new bag broke, so make sure you get strong ones! One bag will be filled with your towels and blanket, so make sure you have a second one for everything else! It’s gonna be a day!

Don’t be afraid to be a sherpa

I have pictures of Sweet Husband when we did beach trips with small children. He looked like a pack mule. But, a pack mule with a huge smile on his face looking forward to a great day! Don’t be afraid to overpack for the beach—maybe the only time it’s acceptable—since you will be spending a full day on the sand. 

I Need My Favorite Chairs!

Patti can’t last too long sitting on my substantial backside! I need a chair (or two) for a full day at the beach. There are different types, so choose carefully.

Low Ones

There is nothing on earth more relaxing than sitting in a low chair at the edge of the water, and letting the little waves crawl up your feet and legs. That, Boo Boo, is pure heaven. Not always the easiest to get out of, I still prefer the low chair so I can buy my feet in the sand.

High Ones

Definitely better on my back, I like to have a regular height chair on the beach with us, too. I like the folding kind with the drink pockets, and maybe even a small pocket on the back, so that it can hold my beverage and a book. 

Easy To Carry Ones

The key to your chair choice is definitely how easy they are to carry and assemble. Sweet Husband recently bought us a pair of low chairs that collapse and fold up to the size of a large shoebox. We flew with them to Hawaii, and use them anytime we go to the beach now. They are super comfortable, and very sturdy. We also have the kind that fold flat, which fit easily into the trunk, too. Look for a shoulder strap, too, to make it easier for your Sherpa duty.

I Might Want To Lie Down!

Sometimes, my friend, you just gotta lie down, listen to the waves, and close your eyes for a half hour. Just in case I get that urge, and since Sweet Husband ALWAYS has that urge, we bring things to lie down.

Beach Blankets

I’m a fan of a large beach blanket, even if it takes up a little more room in the bag, because there are definitely times that Sweet Husband and I are both closing our eyes. Get something that is comfortable, and a light color. We once had a black one—that was just dumb in the open sunshine!

Beach Mats

While I am not really a fan, I have purchased these at beach destinations when I didn’t have a blanket. You can often find these in beach towns for a few dollars, and they would definitely come in handy if you didn’t have your regular supplies with you. I don’t find them particularly comfortable, but definitely better than nothing.

I Need A Pillow!

I am not recommending you buy a extra firm, hypoallergenic specialty pillow for the beach! I’m recommending you designate one of your beach towels to be the pillow! You’re going to need something, so you may as well use something you already brought. 

How About Toys?

Over the years we have had a wide variety of toys that we have brought to the beach. Some of them were “one and done” kind of toys, but there are a few that we continue to bring even now.

Smashball, et al

If you aren’t familiar with this beach game, I strongly encourage you to look it up and buy a set for your next trip. It’s kind of tennis without a net…or rules…and my kids love it! Other types like this include your traditional frisbee, or even a beach lacrosse set would be tons of fun. 

Cornhole, et al

Maybe more on the adult side, we have brought travel cornhole to the beach with great success. There are other things, like throwing balls to land on a ladder, and a handball type of game that uses a small trampoline to propel the ball. A quick Google search will give you pictures of these and other games that are specifically packaged to be easy to cart to and from the beach.

Buckets And A Shovel

It just doesn’t matter how old my kids…and Sweet Husband…get, they still love digging in the sand. When we travel, we will buy these types of things, only to “pay it forward” on our last beach day to a young family so they can continue to be enjoyed.

A Ball

You should always, ALWAYS, have a ball in your beach bag. Whether it is a tennis ball, Nerf football or blow up variety, you will always find a way to play with a ball on the beach. These are great to play with in the water, too!

I Might Go Changin’!

The Right Towels

I mentioned your towel/pillow already, so make sure you are prepared. I like extra large towels on the beach, in case anybody wants to change clothes. Yeah…not kidding…my entire family can change complete outfits under the cover of a beach towel. Make sure you bring a big one.

Another Outfit

My people never leave the beach in the same outfit they come to the beach in, so make sure you have whatever you might need. There is no point in Sweet Husband changing out of his bathing suit if he forgot the underwear! Think about your comfort after a long day in that wet suit.

Which Shoes Will Work?

While my boys are perfectly fine in a cheap pair of Dollar Store slaps, I encourage you to get some good slides that you can walk in. There have been times we’ve gone from beach to restaurant to stores on the boardwalk, and I would not have been happy in those cheap shoes.

But, Pat, The Wind And Rain!!!

My Bougie Tent 

It deserves its own section, because my family loves it. 

Consider, my friend, investing in a small beach tent, which will help you in cases of inclement weather, or if somebody needs to take a nap in a covered spot. My tent provides cover from the sun, and has protected me from intense wind and rain from Hawaii to California, and I strongly recommend everybody own one!

I stand by my recommendation! 

You’d Better Not Forget!!!

How that you are carrying everything you can possibly think of, let me add just one or two more details to your pile…


Nothing is worse than trying to read on the beach with the sun blinding the page! Make sure you have sunglasses handy to help you see better. You don’t want to miss when your kid catches that big wave!


Yeah…I’ve been known to completely forget this. Put it in your beach bag, and leave it there so you won’t forget it. 

Reading Material

My kids are laughing just reading the fact that I want reading material on the beach. I am famous for carrying a book I never open on the beach…but I carry it anyway (well, Sweet Husband/Sherpa carried it). What we do consistently on the beach, however, are crossword puzzles! We will do them out loud while we are all hanging around, and it is a lot of fun. You should try it!


A highly contested item, should you bring music on the beach? This is definitely personal opinion, whether you like to just listen to the waves, or prefer the background music from Spotify. It’s up to you, but I’d rather have it and not use it!

That Sweatshirt

I don’t care what the weather says—it’s always cooler and windier at the beach! Like i said before, I don’t want there to be a reason I have to leave early, so I’d rather have that extra layer ready just in case.

So, Yeah, You Need The Wagon

All of this information to get to one salient point: Buy the wagon. You’re going to need it, because no matter what you bring to the beach, it multiplies while you are enjoying your day, and carrying it home will be much easier if you can shove it all in the wagon and deal with the mess and the sand later.

As I finish this fun blog, I am reminded of the many, many years when Sweet Husband or I would head to the beach for the day, carrying a towel and a book. That’s it. Ahhh…the good old days!

Keep a watch out for those dolphins, my friend! And put on that sunscreen!


Thank you for reading all about the best beach toys!

Hey, since you’re here! You may as well check out some other tips, like if you need travel insurance, here, or chasing Broadway, here! Or, check out our other topics here! Either way, I appreciate you!

Please leave a COMMENT about any tips you may have!! Or comment with YOUR story! Where’re your next trip going to be? Let me know!

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Oh! And don’t forget to check out my video series by CLICKING HERE!!!

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