Cruise Embarkation Plan – Starting It Off Right

Cruise Embarkation Plan - Starting It Off Right

Patti Pilat Buono

Welcome To Your Vacation!

It’s finally here! The countdown on your phone has finally reached zero, and you are preparing to head to the port for your cruise vacation! Time for the cruise embarkation plan to get into action! Congratulations!

Disney cruise line

This is a tough day in my family. I tend to have my “TSA serious” face on all day, and I feel a lot of pressure and tension surrounding this day. It isn’t something I can completely control—you’ll probably be anxious, too—but I’ve found that preparation and organization will absolutely lessen the effects.

Let’s get your embarkation day planned so you can start to relax!

Before The First Day

Packing correctly

We’ve talked about what to pack before, so I won’t go into great detail. The only thing I will remind you of is to not overpack—you’ll only wear like half of the stuff you bring on a cruise in my experience. Unpack that fifth pair of shoes, people!

The right paperwork

This is CLUTCH information! DON’T forget this in your cruise embarkation plan!!! You need to make sure you have printed the boarding documents required by your cruise line. Yes, they will probably be available on their app in an emergency…but will you have Wi-Fi when you need it? Minimize that stress and take a printed copy of that document.

The right identification

This is DO OR DIE. You can’t board without the correct citizenship documents. Can. Not. Board. I strongly recommend you invest in a Passport, even though many cruises will only require a birth certificate and driver’s license. The reason for the Passport is simple: If you get stuck in a foreign port, how will you fly home? Get. The. Passport.  

Cruise Embarkation Day Plan

Getting to the port

We are a family of five (now six!), so getting to the port was sometimes “a thing”. My advice is to find a hotel that has a cruise ship shuttle in the morning. I did this when we traveled so I wouldn’t have to worry about finding a taxi big enough for all of us and our luggage—I let the hotel handle it. Alternately, if you are driving to the port, make sure you are aware of the parking situation. It is often smarter to drop everyone off with the luggage before parking the car if parking is not close by. 

The check-in process is stressful

Remember I said my kids call it my “TSA serious” face? Yeah, well, the people involved in the check-in process are the ones who can tell me I can’t board. So I’m extra careful and nice. You will wait in line after line as you work your way through the port terminal. Bring your patience, and make sure everyone is prepared for the endless questions and multiple times you need to produce your boarding documentation. 

Arrival windows

A relative newcomer to the cruising world, when you check in for your cruise (anywhere from 7 to 21 days in advance depending on company), you will choose or be assigned an “arrival window”. Initially done to stagger people during COVID, this practice continues today, and I believe it has made my wait times in the terminal much shorter. 

You’re onboard!

Use of a carry-on

You know I love a good carry-on! This is good for you to bring aboard the allowed beverages, depending on your cruise line, and a way for you to have immediate access to the pool area by bringing your bathing suit in this bag. Part of your cruise embarkation plan should be packing the Day-1 essentials.

You need to eat first

cruise embarkation plan

Don’t let yourself get herded to the buffet if that isn’t your choice! In addition to other, fast-food style dining options (Hello, Guy’s Burgers!), many cruise ships have a specialty dining area open for lunch on embarkation day, and that, combined with the Main Dining Room, can provide a more relaxing—and better quality meal—than the buffet. Be sure to ask before you hit the buffet.

Going to your cabin

Not so fast, Boo Boo! Cabins generally aren’t ready for you until approximately 1:30, although certain guests can bypass this requirement. Unless you know you can access your cabin, there is plenty for you to do immediately on embarkation before you head to your cabin. 

Things To Take Care Of


That’s what my kids called the mandatory Muster Drill when they were young. Most ships do a much quicker and relaxing drill than before COVID. No matter what, the ship can not set sail until every guest has taken part in the Drill. Take care of that immediately after you have lunch.

Dining double-check

Our most recent Disney cruise, Sweet Husband and I requested a private table instead of a shared dining experience. If you have made any requests, now is the time to visit the dining room or Maitre’D to ascertain that your requests are being honored. And yes, they can absolutely make changes at this time for you. 

Inspect your room

So, by now it’s 1:30, so you should check out your room! Take the time to make sure everything is in working order, and decide how you will utilize the space. Most cabins have hidden little spaces to store items that will help make your tiny space much more livable. 

Unpack so you can relax

Your luggage will appear anywhere from right away until after dinner that first night. If you’re lucky enough to get it early, make sure you unpack right away, carefully putting things where you will be able to find them quickly. Nothing says “vacation has begun” to me more than being unpacked!

Tour Your Ship!

Choose your “perfect” deck

Now that you’ve dropped the carry-on and changed into something more comfortable, it’s time to tour the ship! Walk around to find your new favorite lounging spot that has the perfect combination of convenience and unblemished sun. 

What’s your “meet up” spot

We take this opportunity to choose a meeting location just in case we get separated and the cruise app isn’t sending messages. Where can you find me? Maybe it’s the casino or the pool slide, but make it somewhere that everyone can easily find.

Where is the nearest bar?

I know it isn’t just me…everybody has a favorite bar, don’t they? Be sure you know where the nearest and dearest bar—and food location—will be. I love a nice cheese plate with my adult beverage, so I look for a bar equidistant from the buffet and my favorite deck!

Or bathroom…

I’m not running all the way back to the room when I’m enjoying my book in the sun! Where is the nearest convenience area? Keep your priorities straight, people!

Spa appointment?

Embarkation day usually sees one-day-only sales at the Spa, so make sure you visit and tour so you can take advantage of anything they offer. If nothing else, the tour usually ends with a five minute massage—well worth my time after my stressful embarkation experience (remember “TSA serious” face?) 

Before You Go To Bed That First Night

Alarm? Yay or Nay?

I’m an alarm clock person. Even on vacation. I can always turn it off afterwards, but I like being awakened at a regular time each day. No matter what you choose, make your decision before retiring that night. If you have a shore excursion the next morning, this is extremely important. Sea day? It’s entirely up to you—I love breakfast in the dining room, personally.

First cup of coffee

Did you know that a small, continental breakfast is free from room service on EVERY cruise line? All you need to do is fill out a form and hang it on your door the night before, and you will be treated to a lovely knock at the appointed time. The steward will deliver your coffee, juices, fruit and some bakery items to get you going in the morning. Free. Hidden gem of a tip right there! 

Nightlight or clock?

The blackout curtains on a cruise ship are among the best in the entire world. Even with balcony cabins, our room stays completely pitch dark when the sun rises each morning. Since your cabin won’t have either of these, decide in advance if you want to bring something to give you some light either in the night when you walk around the small quarters, or so you know what time it is through the night. 

You’re All Set For Fun!

When you wake up on that first full cruising day, you will be refreshed, and confident in the knowledge that you have taken care of all of the “business” of cruising, and can simply enjoy the rest of your voyage. Your schedule is already fixed with excursions on port days, and you’ve chosen your preferred lounging spot on deck. Maybe you’ve already found your favorite machine in the casino or pre-purchased Bingo cards. No matter what you did on the first day, all of your preparations have set you up for a fantastic cruise. 

Now just get out there and enjoy your cruise your way.

I’ll be on deck 10, lounging with a cold beverage if you need me…

cruising to alaska


Thank you for reading all about cruise embarkation plan!

Hey, since you’re here! You may as well check out some other tips, like how to make an airplane comfortable, here, or what spending New Year’s in Vegas is like, here! Or, check out our other topics here! Either way, I appreciate you!

Please leave a COMMENT about any tips you may have!! Or comment with YOUR story! Where’re your next trip going to be? Let me know!

Please, feel free to contact me or leave a COMMENT with anything you would like to hear more about! Or reach out with any unrelated questions, comments, concerns, or random outbursts of excitement by clicking here.

Oh! And don’t forget to check out my video series by CLICKING HERE!!!

2 thoughts on “Cruise Embarkation Plan – Starting It Off Right

  1. You’re the BEST. Thank you for the helpful tips, we sailing to the Western Caribbean this Summer.

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