Traveling Comfortable – Comfort For The Long Haul

Traveling Comfortable - Comfort For The Long Haul

Patti Pilat Buono

Traveling Comfortable On Long Range Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Traveling comfortable is very important to me. Have you realized this blog mirrors my life? I’m guessing you figured that out long ago, and this blog is no different. This week, I’m doing Grad Nite at Disneyland (which is a 24-hour turnaround trip) and at the end of this month I head to Europe (overnight flight, of course). 

And Patti likes to be comfy.

early years of caregiving

What’s Considered A Long Haul Trip?

I’ve known people who considered a trip to the mall a long haul trip for their children, because the kids hated the car and the car seats. I’ve always been really fortunate that all of my “travel buddies” are great travelers. Maybe that’s how they became my travel buddies…I don’t know, but I know that I love any distance of travel.

In my opinion, anything over five hours is a long haul trip. For us traveling from southern Nevada, that makes Hollywood/Disneyland/the beach a shorter trip at around four hours, but puts San Diego as a longer haul. For example, I won’t drive to San Diego for less than three nights, but I’m thrilled with a weekender in that four hour range.

Unfortunately, almost every flight nowadays qualifies as long distance, because it has become so difficult to find non-stop flights. This makes traveling comfortable difficult sometimes. There is literally one non-stop from Las Vegas to Orlando every day on Southwest, and every other flight extends the five hour trip to at least seven hours.  

So let’s talk about ways to make any type of longer distance comfortable for you, so that you will agree to take more of these fantastic trips!

Specifics For Traveling Comfortable


Flying has changed dramatically since I started flying at age 12. While the size of planes haven’t changed, they are squeezing more and more seats onto that plane. It is incredible how little room you have on some carriers now (hello Allegiant and Frontier!) and even the newest Southwest Airlines planes are becoming squished. The key to plane travel is to avoid that middle seat at all costs. Whether you prefer to stretch your legs into the aisle or rest your head on the window, choosing either of those options will immediately make you more comfortable, and give you the appearance of more space. 


disney cruise line

The last train I was on was in Skagway, Alaska, and went into Canada. Trains are not something that are common in my part of the country, so I invite you to submit your ideas for traveling comfortable on a train! At least on a train you can get up and move around whenever you want, making it easier for anxious travelers. 


The best piece of advice I have for you with regard to car travel is to have a car that is both comfortable and reliable. Nothing is more nerve-wracking crossing the desert than worrying about whether your car will make it to the next town! The best part of car trips is the ability to stop and stretch your legs whenever you want to, which will also help anyone who is anxious or suffers from mild motion sickness. That open back seat is another bonus, since you can have anything you want within easy reach.


Next week I’m doing the turnaround to Disneyland, and every other year we take kids by bus to northern Nevada for competition. This is, by far, my least favorite method of travel, because sometimes I suffer from mild motion sickness! The best part of a bus trip is someone else doing the driving, while I can relax in a comfy seat having a snack or reading a book. We even bring movies to show to make the time go by faster!

Your Comfort

Stay warm…or cool

Even in the car, I don’t always control the temperature in the mode of transportation. Because of that, you need to be ready for everything, so I bring at least one jacket just in case. (That’s an important tip for traveling comfortable. Write that down.) I’d also like to make a case for a hat, since sometimes the car windows are open and I hate my hair flying all over the place.

Stretching out

In all of the travel types, you will have at least a little opportunity to stretch out, so make sure you use it! There are a number of comfort and convenience products on Amazon for you to look at, and that you could use multiple times. I’m considering using a “foot hammock” that LeeLee got me for Mother’s Day for my overnight Europe flights, just to raise my legs off the floor and hopefully stop swelling. 

traveling comfortable

What to wear

I’m too old, too traditional, too Patti to wear jammies on any type of trip, no matter the mode of transportation. I will, however, dress as comfortably as I can for the trip. My best advice is to avoid light colors, since I’ve seen multiple spills on airplanes through the years, and to wear shoes you can easily slip on and off, even just for a minute.

You’ve Got To Eat

What’s good to bring?

Small packs of absolutely anything are the best way to pack snacks for all modes of transportation! A little bag of Goldfish, Oreos or almonds will always hit the spot when I need a little nibble during a trip. Sometimes it’s more boredom than hunger, and those types of snacks also have the benefit of taking some time to finish, which staves off the boredom.

What would you avoid?

Do not smell the joint up! Whether you are in a plane or your own car, you don’t want to be smelling that tuna fish for the entire six hours of the trip! I feel the same way about almost every type of fruit, too. You don’t want to find that banana mushed or those apple slices discolored on the plane. 

What’s always in my bag

Nuts and granola bars. Every time. If I get hungry and we are far from our next meal, I need something with some staying power, and that is definitely nuts for me. Another thing I always have is an empty bottle or reusable bottle, so that I can refill it with water at the next opportunity. Obviously, I add some flavor to it once it’s refilled—can’t just drink water, now can I?

Handling “meals” on board

Traveling to Orlando is easily my most common flight, and we lose three hours in the air. We always—no matter which flight we take—miss a meal while we are flying. Usually, we are on the nonstop, or have a very quick plane change, so we can maximize our time in Orlando. Because of this, we bring a meal on the plane with us. Bestie Boo and I have mastered the Subway sandwich and chips meal, and it is easy to fit in our backpack, and simple to eat on the plane once we have received a beverage. Another one we love is Chipotle, which we share on the plane with a side of chips and guac. Either way—we never land in Orlando starving at midnight.

traveling comfortable

What Bag Should I Bring?

For the overhead

I have written extensively about the importance of a small rolling carry-on when you travel. I strongly encourage you to read that blog, just in case you find yourself marooned somewhere overnight or for an extended period of time. Unless I am flying to California (sweet, sweet cruises out of Los Angeles!) I always have my rolling carry-on, packed to the brim with important things I might need in the next twenty-four hours. Usually, it is overkill, and I end up not needing any of the things I’ve packed “just in case”. But when you need it…you’ll be thanking me!

For within arms reach

In the car, or on the bus or train, you will have access to things much more easily than on the airplane. For this reason, I encourage you to bring whatever you think might make the trip just a little easier for you. Particularly when we travel by car, I will throw things into the car with very little forethought—because it doesn’t matter how packed the car is! 

When You Get Delayed

Here it is, the moment everybody worries about! We are stuck in Dallas (okay, that was my nightmare!) or the bus depot or on the tracks. We are stuck.

This is exactly why carefully packing your rolling bag and backpack are so important. Just because you should have been at your destination by lunch doesn’t mean you’ll make it by dinner—so you’d better be ready. 

So carefully consider your carryon bags no matter what mode of transportation you will be using. Comfort really is the most important factor in choosing a long haul travel vacation, so make sure you plan yours accordingly.

I’ll be on that Grad Nite trip with my pillow and blankie, thank you very much.


Thank you for reading all about traveling comfortable!

Hey, since you’re here! You may as well check out some other tips, like how to make an airplane comfortable, here, or what spending New Year’s in Vegas is like, here! Or, check out our other topics here! Either way, I appreciate you!

Please leave a COMMENT about any tips you may have!! Or comment with YOUR story! Where’re your next trip going to be? Let me know!

Please, feel free to contact me or leave a COMMENT with anything you would like to hear more about! Or reach out with any unrelated questions, comments, concerns, or random outbursts of excitement by clicking here.

Oh! And don’t forget to check out my video series by CLICKING HERE!!!

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